KTM 65 SX Engine and Transmission Technical Data
Engine type - Number of cylinders |
Single cylinder, two-stroke |
Engine details |
Reed intake and exhaust control |
Fuel system |
Carburettor. Mikuni TM 24 |
Engine size - Displacement - Engine capacity |
64.90 ccm (3.96 cubic inches) |
Bore x Stroke |
45.0 x 40.8 mm (1.8 x 1.6 inches) |
Compression Ratio |
- |
Number of valves per cylinder |
- |
Camshaft Valvetrain Configuration |
- |
Maximum power - Output - Horsepower |
- |
Maximum torque |
- |
Engine Maximum RPM |
- |
Cooling system |
Liquid |
Lubrication system |
Mixture oil lubrication 1:60 |
Engine oil capacity |
- |
Exhaust system |
Aluminium |
Gearbox |
6-speed |
Transmission type, final drive ratio |
Chain |
Clutch type |
Wet mDouble disk clutch, operated hydraulically |
Driveline |
14:48 Primary. 23:75 straight cut spur gear. |